2019 eligibility post

Lots of posts going up on Twitter about this year's eligibility for various awards, etc. I have two more short stories that I'm expecting to come out before the end of the year, so I'll add those in tentatively and update it with links, new stories if any, and deletions if necessary (there's also a forthcoming story in DSF that I haven't even announced yet, but I suspect that won't be out until the new year):

Short stories:
"The Scapegoat Village" in Kaleidotrope
"Amid Stone and Sun, an Alias" in Mirror Dance
"To Climb by the Light of the Sputtering Sun" in SFFWorld's Dying Earth anthology (hopefully out by the end of the year)
"Heroes Never Die" flash fiction in Frozen Wavelets (first issue is currently rolling out, so...possibly by the end of the year)

And then my collection Cities of Wonder, Rails of Irreality included some reprints and also these previously unpublished short/flash stories:

"City of Animals"
"The Singing Caves"
"The City of Corpses"
"City of Letters"
"The City of Lost Voices"

and it includes these previously unpublished poems:

"The Locus of All Rails"
"The People of Train Smoke"
"The Fossils of Yahm"