Month: November 2017

Anatomy Of An Idea: For As Many Dawns

We interrupt your (generally) regularly scheduled blog post to bring up a new publication of mine and talk a little bit about the inspiration.  You can read it here:For As Many Dawns(I do recommend you read the story before this post, if you do in......

Song Styles

With the holiday season nearly upon us, already upon us, or in full swing (depending on who you ask), I'd like to pose the question to you:  what are your favorite tunes?  It doesn't have to be Christmas - I've learned the Hanukkah tune Seviv......

Too Much Stuff

Help! I’m drowning, I’m suffocating under a slush pile of entertainment. If this is the future once the robots take over, bring back the 7-day-working-week and 4 channels on the tele. Get the robots to watch all the damn TV series, listen to all the podcasts, read all the...

#Writerslife: Interview with a character

Writers are advised to write character studies or “interview” their characters. How do you interview an imaginary character? Here to help you is my process. Beth: Hello, new guy. Welcome to my head. Have a seat and get comfortable. NG: [looks around] Gee. It looks crowded in here. Beth:...

Viridian Gate Online: Imperial Legion Release!

Yep, that’s right folks, the big day is finally here … VGO 4, Imperial Legion, is finally out!!!! And to celebrate, the other three Viridian Gate Online books will all be on sale starting Sunday, so if you’re behind, now is a perfect time to catch up. Hope you...

Wednesday Wanderings

When I first started writing, I thought of myself as solely a novelist.  Writing short stories had no appeal - or so I thought.  Even back then, I participated in fandom, and wrote short tales about my characters, though somehow - perhaps bec......

Wednesday Wanderings

It's time to face facts and 'fess up:  I'm not going to meet the goals I set back here.  While disappointed, I don't feel I've let myself down or relaxed on my commitment to write.  I've made some good progress, but life interfered in a ......

Song Styles

I've mentioned before that there are some thematic worldbuilding similarities between Scylla and Charybdis and Surgeburnt:  both are settings that have "recovered" from the apocalypse; both address a backlash against current society's constan......

Garden of Time: Jubal Van Zandt 4!

Shout out to my awesome buddy, and amazingly talented writer friend, eden Hudson. Her new book, Jubal Van Zandt and the Garden of Time (Book 4), drops today!!! The series is wickedly good—sort of gritty, grimdark, futuristic Urban Fantasy with a twist. If you haven’t tried it, check it...