Category: SPSTevens

The Titular Woes of Untitled Treats

They say you should make book titles as specific as possible. Alliterate them. They should flow off the tongue, have double meanings… well, I’d settle for a single meaning. Truly, today I feel like I shall never release another book again, despite havi......

Postcard from Brighton

We appear to be living in limbo. Everyone looks like Batman's nemesis Bane (the masks), and what used to be my friends are now walking contagions I have to keep 6ft away from (still my friends though). Holidays cancelled... music festivals unlikely... ......

The Making of Nether Light

I always loved those programmes about the making of the film… Jaws, Raiders of the Lost Arc, James Bond… so in that spirit, here’s my take on the development of Nether Light. The post The Making of Nether Light appeared first on Shaun Paul Stevens - Fa......

Self-isolation Tips for the Jilted Generation

Well, I can safely say my hands have never been cleaner, every time I come in the house, I resemble Lady Macbeth, although I’m not sure she ever did her thumbs. Of course, in the UK, we are used to dealing with things like corona virus with humour. Who......

Boundless, slightly annoying optimism

I’m fantastic, cos life’s brilliant, isn’t it? Why the boundless (slightly annoying) optimism? Well, it’s my new philosophy. I’ve decided it's much too easy to be negative, especially if I happen to catch an episode of Strictly Come Dancing or see some......

The cat who lived and other news…

People often say writing is a marathon not a sprint. For me it’s more like a mission to Mars with several lost crews and failed launches behind it. But now Earth looks like a tiny blue dot in the rear-view mirror and I shall soon be activating manoeuvring thrusters.


2019 Brings Dark Rhymes

A belated happy 2019! Can you believe we’re already halfway through January? Yikes… So, what’s been happening? Well, my cat Neo acquired a limp this month, received fighting next door’s cat. Luckily, he has made a full recovery without me having to sell a kidney to pay the vet....