Category: Flint Hatchet Blog by Jonathan S. Pembroke

The End

So…. If one were to listen to the news lately, one could be forgiven for thinking that the end is nigh.  Between political strife, natural disasters, the fact that a man with the name Carrot Top has his own Las Vegas show….  And that’s just what’s going on in...

Daily Update #36

Wow, I checked and I haven’t done one of these random updates for a long time–like eighteen months.  I didn’t realize it had been quite that long. Well, whatever.  I’ve been slacking, actually.  I took about a month off from writing or doing much related to writing, so I...

Hat in the Ring

So…. I have done exactly what the title suggested. A fellow author brought to my attention this contest, over on the blog by author Mark Lawrence.  I think it is a really neat idea, so what the hell, why not?  I entered Pilgrimage to Skara (still available on Amazon,...

Anthology of Interest

So…. (Muse:  You stole that post title from Futurama.) You know what they say:  if you are going to steal, steal from the best. So….  I think I have said before, I am members of a couple of writing groups.  About a year ago, one of those writer groups...

The Case for Anti-Intellectualism

So…. It’s been two weeks but I have yet to do my write-ups on the 2017 Tucson Festival of Books, mostly because I have been lazy.  And because spring is here and it’s been time to get outside start on gardening and what not.  But mostly laziness. The panels...

It’s That Time Again

So…. It is that time again.  The Tucson Festival of Books is this weekend (11-12 Mar) and I will again be live-tweeting it.  There are some interesting panels set up and as always, it will be a chance to hobnob with fellow writers and make some contacts. (Muse:  How...

Bloodlust in Our Hearts

Happy New Year, dear friends. So…. In the course of my daily perusing (i.e., wasting time), I came across this article discussing a Russian reality show called, “Game2: Winter.”  Essentially, the concept is to dump thirty contestants in Siberia for months and whoever emerges alive at the end of...

2017 Reading List

So, I– Muse:  Where the hell have you been? Briefly, I’ve been busy. Muse:  Yeah, well, you should have called. You know, I did write three short stories since I was last here and knock out several chapters in my novel-in-progress.  It’s not like I have been sitting on...

2017 Reading List Requests

Hey gang. So, I put together a loose reading list every year.  If I had to break it down, it is usually 50% fantasy, 25% horror, 15% sci-fi, and 10% non-fiction or other.  Some years are better than others, in terms of following up.  There never is enough time...

Comment on TFOB Part I – Writing Heroes of Diversity by Jonathan S. Pembroke

Those are fair points, Beth. I understand it is not just about the superficial trappings of diversity (skin color, etc.). At the same time, I was also once accused of (If you'll pardon the expression) of whitewashing racial issues in a story because the characters of darker...