Category: novel

A Fantasy World That’s All Grown Up

There’s a very clear traditional idea of what a fantasy world is supposed to be like. It has warriors riding horses and wielding swords and axes. It doesn’t have them travelling on planes and operating computers. It just doesn’t. But why not? After all, our world has had all...

My Writing Goals for 2024

New Year is a terrible time for resolutions. We make them because we feel under pressure to do so, not because we really want to. We “ought” to go on that diet or join the gym, and the commitment quickly runs out because it comes from outside. Far better...

AI Secrets To Kick Start Your Writing: #2—Outline Your Chapter

What’s the biggest obstacle a writer faces? Even if you have outlined your book. Staring at the page for the start of that new chapter. Endlessly. All writers do this—even famous ones. Take, for instance, Sylvia Plath: Sylvia Plath (from The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath) Monday, July 7 (1958):...

Witch World by Andre Norton — A Retrospect

Back in the 1970s, after reading Lord of the Rings had changed my world, I naturally went looking for similar books. Lin Carter and the Ballantine Adult Fantasy series proved invaluable, not only for the old classics they reprinted, but also for the many other authors and series Carter...

2022 publications — Award Eligibility Post

These past months have been chaos. No apologies or explanations, but there have been a number of things published since my last post. They will be included in this award eligibility post:In 2022 I had 8 short stories published, 3 poems, and 2 novels (t......

An online reading…and cover art!

I'm doing an online reading this evening! Tonight at 7:30 pm Pacific time, there will be a live viewing of Fae News on YouTube. (I'm not in Pacific time, but they are, so that's the time I'm giving--do the math to figure it out, just like I have to......

A Trade in Betrayals–done!

Late Thursday night I wrote the final words of the first draft of A Trade in Betrayals, the third (and likely final) book in the Arcist Chronicles. It feels like the book is...really good. The beats work and build well. The connections within the novel......

Lyrical Worlds newsletter–sign up now!

And there it is, hinted at a few weeks ago and now live: the Lyrical Worlds newsletter.Lyrical Worlds will be the key way to get the latest news about my stories, poems, novels, etc. I'll still share links here on the blog, but the monthly newsletter w......