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Author Interview: G. J. Dunn is Going Fourth "A Benthic Myth of the Deep Sea" in The Pink Hydra! Hello world! The Dangers of an Echo Chamber Poetry Thunderdome podcast!

AI Secrets To Kick Start Your Writing: #2—Outline Your Chapter

What’s the biggest obstacle a writer faces? Even if you have outlined your book. Staring at the page for the start of that new chapter. Endlessly. All writers do this—even famous ones. Take, for instance, Sylvia Plath: Sylvia Plath (from The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath) Monday, July 7 (1958): …But I have no idea how […]

Ask A #Writer: Is It Worth It To Be One?

Ask a Writer Asked and answered on Quora. The Original Question: Is it worth to be an author? It’s the best thing ever, but not for the reasons you think. 1) Your time is your own. You can wake up when you want to, sleep when it suits you, and you don’t let a clock […]

The #Writer’s Craft: Word Counts, Story Length & Story Structure

(Beth Turnage Blog)  I’ve written several posts on Quora on writing and thought I’d curate some here. You can call it laziness, but really it’s a lack of time since ghostwriting is keeping me very busy. Really. 😉 How do word count limitations affect what you can fit into a story? This is an excellent… Continue reading The #Writer’s Craft: Word Counts, Story Length & Story Structure