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Author Interview: G. J. Dunn is Going Fourth "A Benthic Myth of the Deep Sea" in The Pink Hydra! Hello world! The Dangers of an Echo Chamber Poetry Thunderdome podcast!

Pirate’s Luck: Chapter 14~The Dead Zone

“Damned-to-the-seven-hells stupid pirate captain.” Arekan cursed Etharin while he crawled in the ventilation shafts of The Rogan, a spaceship thirty-years too old, and sixty-years behind in repairs and upgrades. The tub was not fit to sit in, let alone travel the black depths of space. In his short life, nineteen-year-old Arekan Mor’a’stan never thought he’d… Continue reading Pirate’s Luck: Chapter 14~The Dead Zone

Arekan’s Blog: MORE Laundry Problems

Arekan: So the scribe is still writing the trash that “pays the mortgage” but since it seems to keep her in coffee and milkshakes, I won’t complain too much, though I’ve heard there a bit of clamor for her to finish the Arekan’s War Series. [scribe, um Beth:] One reader is hardly a clamor. Arekan:… Continue reading Arekan’s Blog: MORE Laundry Problems

Pirate’s Luck: Chapter 13 ~ Laundry Problems

Rastan cleaned his body the sonic shower, while Arekan stood at the door preventing any of the curious crew from entering. The fact was Rastan, or the alias he used, Pepin, the new crew-member they had picked up illegally, was too pretty for a group of hardened criminals to resist. Arekan worried about this and… Continue reading Pirate’s Luck: Chapter 13 ~ Laundry Problems

Pirate’s Luck~Chapter Ten-Discount Skin Ticket

Chuck Wendig’s Flash Fiction challenge was to pick one of ten titles and write a story to it. At first, my inner muse said “write something pretty,” but then that old dog, Arekan whispered, “You’d been looking for a entree into the next chapter of Pirate’s Luck.”  Though it is part of the larger work,… Continue reading Pirate’s Luck~Chapter Ten-Discount Skin Ticket