Month: November 2022

Books List on Video

In addition to experimenting with a book trailer, I've also been working to make a video featuring all my books. Most of them are anthologies where I have one or more stories. What do you think of it? Install this web app on your Android: Tap ......

Appreciating Film/TV Adaptations

I love teaching Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express because many students enjoy the departure from texts they’re used to studying and they really get into the mystery genre. Many will have already seen the 2017 Kenneth Branagh film adaptation and ask whether we’ll be watching that in...

Ask A #Writer: Is It Worth It To Be One?

Ask a Writer Asked and answered on Quora. The Original Question: Is it worth to be an author? It’s the best thing ever, but not for the reasons you think. 1) Your time is your own. You can wake up when you want to, sleep when it suits you,...

#NaNoWriMo: Day 2—How to De-Angst Novel #Writing

Even if you despise outlining, give it a shot. A few hours of outlining with save days of beating your head on your laptop. Trust the woman that writes novels for a living on a deadline. An outline will give you a clearer idea of where your characters are...