Month: April 2018

Song Styles

Anaea's world changes irrevocably within the first few chapters of Scylla and Charybdis, and though she has allies (as well as enemies), she is the only one who can save herself.I have a few theme songs on this topic - I've already linked to Fire ......

Tour Stop: The Games People Play

Sarah Jane Higbee hosts me today, talking about games and entertainment ... of the fictional variety, that is.  Check it out:

Stories From Marco!

A few weeks ago, Marco Dijkstra of Barely A Blogger hosted me talking about (what else?) Scylla and Charybdis.  Today, I have two stories of his to share.  He's experimenting with writing styles and would love feedback ...For those who enjoy ......

Wednesday Wanderings: The Tale (Tail) of the Kearl

There's one prominent character in Scylla and Charybdis who never utters a word ... of dialogue, that is.  She has a full range of sounds and expression at her disposal.

I'm speaking of Penelope, who is a kearl:  a genetically engineered monkey-cat hybrid, designed to be a comfort and companion animal. ...

Monday Layover at …

Today I'm visiting Kate Coe's blog and talking about not only Scylla and Charybdis, but other creative endeavors.  And dogs:

New Evidence for Dragon Flight

Since the first dragon skeleton was discovered in 1908 by Ernest Hathelwhite, in the Khumara Basin in what is now northern Sudan, experts have been split over the flight capabilities of such beasts. When the skeleton (Dragonus Primus) was shipped back to England, experts at London’s Natural History Museum...

Song Styles

As I've mentioned before, my Scylla and Charybdis soundtrack is largely composed of songs that are older to me - ones I've been familiar with for a while.  One of these was massively popular when it was released ... and it was the song I lear......

Hanging out with Jennifer

I'm over at the blog of Jennifer Lee Rossman today.  She very kindly let me ramble about whatever I wanted:

Thursday’s Tour Stop!

Today, I get a little bratty over at Daniel Ausema's blog, talking about music.  Check it out here:

Wednesday Wanderings – Books Within Books

Books – physical books, stories contained within pages and ink – play a small but vital role in Scylla and Charybdis.  This is, admittedly, a product of personal bias:  as a reader, I am devoted to the book you can hold, the tactile sensation, the subtle scent.  I am...