Song Styles
For Christmas, I got Elle King's new album, Shake The Spirit. I'm a big fan of Elle King; I like to describe her music as "Wild West Rock." The thematics and lyrics remind me of the roughest parts of an old-school western. (The two so......
Wednesday Wanderings
If you've been watching this blog space (which is a bit like watching grass grow, only less organic and more purple), you may have noticed that it's been quieter of late, fewer posts. That's because I haven't as much time to write. In fact,......
Read What You Disagree With
A number of years ago, I ran across an article that confirmed a few unformed ideas that had been floating around in my mind. “Why You Should Read Books You Hate” by Pamela Paul solidified a concept that I’d loosely held for some time. I should not simply read...
2019 Brings Dark Rhymes
A belated happy 2019! Can you believe we’re already halfway through January? Yikes… So, what’s been happening? Well, my cat Neo acquired a limp this month, received fighting next door’s cat. Luckily, he has made a full recovery without me having to sell a kidney to pay the vet....
Cities of Wonder, Trains of Irreality released!
This has been sneaking along beneath the surface for awhile now, but at last I can make it official.This collection/chapbook of flash stories and poems is now available!Going back over ten years, I began playing around with the idea of a narrative appr......
Hopepunk? Do we really need a label like that?
While I was traveling recently I happened to read the Vox think piece about "Hopepunk." The (genre-ish) label was coined by Alexandra Rowland, so I followed up later reading on Twitter some of her thoughts on it, her elaborations and exp......
Wednesday Wanderings
Lemming-like, I approach the topic of my year in review. Initially, I thought that it would be a depressing topic, at least where my writing is concerned. Then, I realized I had forgotten the biggest news of my year: the publication o......
New story! “The Scapegoat Village” in Kaleidotrope
Starting off the year* with a new short story published in Kaleidotrope, my 5th story in that magazine (two back when it was a print zine and now three in the online version). "The Scapegoat Village" is a lyrical, stylish sort of fantasy—I was playing ......
Silk Betrayal: sneak peek, Roots of Betrayal
And now we have come to the end of this past month’s celebration of The Silk Betrayal. Thank you for joining with me in this series of posts, and be sure to get yourself a copy of the novel and a few more to share. Encourage your local library...