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The Dangers of an Echo Chamber Poetry Thunderdome podcast! Interview About “Shuttlers” Flash fiction: "In the City of the Faced" in Factor Four Magazine! Unleashing Your Dreams

Song Styles

I mentioned recently on Facebook that I’ve had a number of earworms running through my head, some of them stranger than others (“Living On A Prayer” substituted with the words “Pigeon on a bear,” for instance).  One of those is from Kate Nash, who…

Song Styles

Still working on my worldbuilding for my next novel project, then it’s on to character profiles.  The dynamic duo at the center of this story, Pirelle and Chiria, both started out as D&D characters – both shapeshifters, because I’m a bit obses…

Song Styles

I’m a fan of the songs from the Waitress musical, the story of a waitress stuck in a dead-end town / job / marriage whose biggest joy is baking pies.  When she discovers she is pregnant, she dreams of entering a high-profile pie contest to ea…