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The Dangers of an Echo Chamber Poetry Thunderdome podcast! Interview About “Shuttlers” Flash fiction: "In the City of the Faced" in Factor Four Magazine! Unleashing Your Dreams

My First Contract!


Yay, it’s finally happened! I’ve signed and sent off my first book contract for my YA Space Opera novel “Shuttlers”!

Thank you, Annalisa Parent of the Writing Gym and Date With the Muse, for your help and encouragement. Without your tra…



Just a quick post about another acceptance. My short story “Summoning” has been accepted and will be coming out in the October issue of The Green Shoe Sanctuary.

That’s my twelfth story since the beginning of the year, meaning that I’m being accept…

Teaching Dune

Speculative fiction makes for an excellent teaching tool, in particular with how it requires our minds to be flexible when reading. In stretching the bounds of our every day realities, fantasy and science fiction writers are still exploring themes common to the human experience (to the best of my understanding, most authors are writing for […]