Month: June 2023

The Craft of #Writing: Fact Check Your #AI

ChatGPT is an amazing tool, but like all resources used for research in your writing, you need to recheck the information it provides. Below is an example of today’s research: Beth: Good morning. How does weightlessness in space feel? ChatGPT: Good morning! Weightlessness in space is a unique and...

Teaching is Exhausting

Sitting here at the end of my 10th full year of teaching, I’m exhausted. Those of us who get into this career know what we’re in for; non-teachers will often make sympathetic comments about how hard it must be to be a teacher; even lots of our students are...

Rotary Club

Yesterday, I gave a talk to a Rotary Club meeting in New Hampshire from here in England via Zoom, organised by Annalisa, my writing coach. I told them about being a writer and author, winning prizes, and read them one of the stories from Paranormal City: Bogeyman Blues. They...

Whittlesey Women’s Institute

On Tuesday evening, I gave a talk about my book “Unleash Your Dreams” to Whittlesey WI (Women's Institute). After a Q&A, we had coffee and cakes together, and I got a chance to chat with the ladies. I sold a few copies of my book, including one that was...