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The Dangers of an Echo Chamber Poetry Thunderdome podcast! Interview About “Shuttlers” Flash fiction: "In the City of the Faced" in Factor Four Magazine! Unleashing Your Dreams

Chuck Wendig’s #FlashFiction Challenge: Demons vs. Assassins

This piece of flash comes to you by the way of two sources. The first is Chuck Wendig’s Friday Flash Fiction Challenge. And here is what he says about that: Way this works is, below you will find two tables — X and Y! — and you will pick (or randomly draw) from those tables.… Continue reading Chuck Wendig’s #FlashFiction Challenge: Demons vs. Assassins

Pirate’s Luck~Chapter Eleven-To Forbidden Passengers

This week’s chapter is another of Chuck Wendig’s flash fiction challenge this time titled Ten More Sentences; Round Two. That’s self explanatory. You should be able to read this as a stand alone, but let me know if you can’t. 🙂 TO FORBIDDEN PASSENGERS In the end, they ran. The group of them, now four,… Continue reading Pirate’s Luck~Chapter Eleven-To Forbidden Passengers

Pirate’s Luck~Chapter Ten-Discount Skin Ticket

Chuck Wendig’s Flash Fiction challenge was to pick one of ten titles and write a story to it. At first, my inner muse said “write something pretty,” but then that old dog, Arekan whispered, “You’d been looking for a entree into the next chapter of Pirate’s Luck.”  Though it is part of the larger work,… Continue reading Pirate’s Luck~Chapter Ten-Discount Skin Ticket