Author: bturnage

The #Writer’s Craft: Word Counts, Story Length & Story Structure

(Beth Turnage Blog)  I’ve written several posts on Quora on writing and thought I’d curate some here. You can call it laziness, but really it’s a lack of time since ghostwriting is keeping me very busy. Really. 😉 How do word count limitations affect what you can fit into...

The Craft of #Writing: Grabbing the Reader

(Beth Turnage) I’ve written a number of posts on Quora on writing, and thought I’d curate some here. You can call it laziness, but really it’s a lack of time, since ghostwriting is keeping me very busy. Really. 😉 When writing, how do you grab your reader’s attention as...

The #Writer’s Craft: #Edit using #Free SAS #Writing Reviser

(Beth Turnage) One gem in Google Apps is the free editing tool g.suite’s SAS Writing Reviser. Designed for school use, there is no reason why you can’t use it for your writing. Now, I love this thing, not only for its price point but also for the tools it...

Pirate’s Luck: Chapter 14~The Dead Zone

“Damned-to-the-seven-hells stupid pirate captain.” Arekan cursed Etharin while he crawled in the ventilation shafts of The Rogan, a spaceship thirty-years too old, and sixty-years behind in repairs and upgrades. The tub was not fit to sit in, let alone travel the black depths of space. In his short life,...

A Very Special FWO Weird #Christmas

(Beth Turnage Blog) From time to time at Fantasy Writer dot org we have submission challenges were we challenge each other to submit en massé to one publication to see how we fare. At Christmas, we participate in the Weird Christmas Flash Fiction Contest,where Craig, the owner of the...

#NaNoWriMo and a #Free #Writing Tool

(Beth Turnage Blog) So you are deep in NaNo and emotions run high. Perhaps you’ve finished a chapter or two, but then the dreaded crash. You know where you are heading but now you’ve become stuck in the mire. Because I write a lot of novels each year for...

NaNoWriMo 2019 Project: A Matter Of Time

For my NaNoWriMo project I’ve dusted off an older project, Cassandra Sees: A Matter of Time. Here is the blurb: When a Detective Dan Arrington investigating local murders finds a woman who knows more details about them than she should can he believe she got those details from astrology?...

Arekan’s Blog: MORE Laundry Problems

Arekan: So the scribe is still writing the trash that “pays the mortgage” but since it seems to keep her in coffee and milkshakes, I won’t complain too much, though I’ve heard there a bit of clamor for her to finish the Arekan’s War Series. [scribe, um Beth:] One...

The #Writers Craft: One Big Step for #ProWritingAid: One Giant Leap for Writerkind

(Beth Turnage Blog) Christmas arrived in July when Chris Banks of Pro-Writing Aid made this announcement in their monthly email: Beta Testers Needed for our New GoogleDocs Add-On We are thrilled to introduce our shiny new GoogleDocs add-on! Now you will have access to the full ProWritingAid editor right...

Pirate’s Luck: Chapter 13 ~ Laundry Problems

Rastan cleaned his body the sonic shower, while Arekan stood at the door preventing any of the curious crew from entering. The fact was Rastan, or the alias he used, Pepin, the new crew-member they had picked up illegally, was too pretty for a group of hardened criminals to...