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The Dangers of an Echo Chamber Poetry Thunderdome podcast! Interview About “Shuttlers” Flash fiction: "In the City of the Faced" in Factor Four Magazine! Unleashing Your Dreams

eden Hudson Author Interview!

In honor of our latest co-authored book release, Two-Faced: Legend of the Treesinger, I managed to talk the awesome and amazingly-talented eden Hudson into doing an interview with me! She is the author of the Redneck Apocalypse Series and the Jubal Van Zandt series, published by Shadow Alley Press. And aside from being an amazing author (and a stellar […]

The post eden Hudson Author Interview! appeared first on JAMES A. HUNTER.


This one is going to be super quick. I’ve stumbled over (been shown) an important consideration for any perspective writer, freelancer, storyteller, blogger or any other creative person. I’ve rambled on about setting goals and how they help me. I’ve talked about making them manageable, dealing with failure, overcoming blocks and a host of other […]