Category: Silk Betrayal

Reprint in Cosmic Muse anthology!

 My story "The Triptych of the Final String" was published last year in New Myths. It's a flash story about stories and what we can learn from each other's stories.For those who've read (and decide now to read...) The Arcist Chronicles books, the ......

2022 publications — Award Eligibility Post

These past months have been chaos. No apologies or explanations, but there have been a number of things published since my last post. They will be included in this award eligibility post:In 2022 I had 8 short stories published, 3 poems, and 2 novels (t......

An online reading…and cover art!

I'm doing an online reading this evening! Tonight at 7:30 pm Pacific time, there will be a live viewing of Fae News on YouTube. (I'm not in Pacific time, but they are, so that's the time I'm giving--do the math to figure it out, just like I have to......

"Triptych of the Final String" in the latest issue of New Myths

The latest issue of New Myths came out this past weekend, including my flash story "Triptych of the Final String." It's a fable, of sorts--about music and stories and especially learning new stories from each other. Or you could consider it a fairy/fol......

"Triptych of the Final String" sold to New Myths

 Excited to announce the sale of this flash fiction to New Myths. There's even a loose connection to The Silk Betrayal with this story. I'll say more about that when the story comes out, likely in June.It will be my third time having something in ......

A Trade in Betrayals–done!

Late Thursday night I wrote the final words of the first draft of A Trade in Betrayals, the third (and likely final) book in the Arcist Chronicles. It feels like the book is...really good. The beats work and build well. The connections within the novel......

Hopepunk? Do we really need a label like that?

While I was traveling recently I happened to read the Vox think piece about "Hopepunk." The (genre-ish) label was coined by Alexandra Rowland, so I followed up later reading on Twitter some of her thoughts on it, her elaborations and exp......

Silk Betrayal: sneak peek, Roots of Betrayal

And now we have come to the end of this past month’s celebration of The Silk Betrayal. Thank you for joining with me in this series of posts, and be sure to get yourself a copy of the novel and a few more to share. Encourage your local library...

Silk Betrayal: minor characters

As I’ve mentioned before, there are many characters in The Silk Betrayal. I’m not going to go through and introduce every one of them. But I’d like to highlight a few here and introduce them to you:RashulRashul is pure charisma. He’s the Beto O’Rourke*......

Silk Betrayal: religions

The Religions of Eghsal Valley

I’m part of several different online fantasy writing communities. One topic that comes up periodically in worldbuilding discussions is how to handle religion in our imaginary worlds. I’ve always answered that I’m not the least bit interested in any sort of divine reality behind the...