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The Dangers of an Echo Chamber Poetry Thunderdome podcast! Interview About “Shuttlers” Flash fiction: "In the City of the Faced" in Factor Four Magazine! Unleashing Your Dreams

#Author Interview: #SFF #Writer Lindsey Duncan

Anaea Carlisle, raised on an isolated space station populated solely by women, believes the rest of the universe has been plunged into anarchy and ruin by an alien-engineered disease known as Y-Poisoning. On a salvage mission, she helps rescue a hypermental named Gwydion who challenges everything she thought she knew. Forced to flee the station… Continue reading #Author Interview: #SFF #Writer Lindsey Duncan

eden Hudson Author Interview!

In honor of our latest co-authored book release, Two-Faced: Legend of the Treesinger, I managed to talk the awesome and amazingly-talented eden Hudson into doing an interview with me! She is the author of the Redneck Apocalypse Series and the Jubal Van Zandt series, published by Shadow Alley Press. And aside from being an amazing author (and a stellar […]

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Wednesday Wanderings – On Tour!

Welcome to the Scylla and Charybdis release tour – virtual, that is!  Since Grimbold Books is a British press and I’m over here chilling in the States, it seemed fitting to make “stops” on both sides of the pond … but I lack the finances to jetset back and forth, so I’ll be stopping by various blogs and hosting their awesome authors in return.

Some of these dates may change – I’m still finishing up posts and communicating with my hosts.

Here’s my schedule:

4/1 (Sunday) – Song Styles here – snippets of the Scylla and Charybdis “soundtrack”


4/1 (Sunday) – visit from Daniel Ausema from Twigs And Brambles to talk about his new release, Silk Betrayal

4/2 (Monday) – visiting Paul James Caiden at The Mind’s Eye  

4/4 (Weds) – Wednesday Wanderings here – how it all started

4/6 (Friday) – visiting Marco Dijkstra at Barely a Blogger to talk about worldbuilding

4/8 (Sunday) – Song Styles here

4/11 (Weds) – Wednesday Wanderings – what’s in a name?

4/13 (Friday) – special “visit” to Sarah Ashwood’s mailing list with an interview; sign up over at  her Facebook page  

4/15 (Sunday) – It’s RELEASE DAY!

4/17 (Tues) – visiting Joanne Hall at her blog to talk about chef creativity and cross-utilization … not as dry as it sounds, I promise!

4/18 (Weds) – Wednesday Wanderings here – the books within the book

4/19 (Thurs) – visiting Daniel Ausema at Twigs And Brambles  to talk about music in Scylla and Charybdis

4/20 (Fri) – visiting Jennifer Lee Rossman at The Eternally Untitled 

4/22 (Sun) – Song Styles here

4/24 (Tues) – visiting Kate Coe at Writing and Coe for an interview

4/25 (Weds) – Wednesday Wanderings here – the ta(le/il) of the kearl

4/27 (Fri) – stories from Marco Dijkstra … check them out!

4/29 (Sun) – Song Styles here

5/2 (Weds) – Wednesday Wanderings here – discussing “hiraeth”

5/6 (Sun) – Song Styles here

6/1 (Fri) – guest post from Jennifer Lee Rossman from The Eternally Untitled

Song Styles

I would just like to point out that my worldbuilding file for my next novel project is still saved as ArbitraryWorldNameHere.docx.As to my current novel project(s), Surgeburnt is in the writing phases; Undertaking Chances (my quirky little zombie …

Two-Faced: Legend of the Treesinger Release!!!

Hey y’all, I have a new book out, co-written with the awesome and amazingly-talented eden Huson, author of the Redneck Apocalypse Series and the Jubal Van Zandt series, published by Shadow Alley Press. Ancient Demons. A Terrible Curse. A grisly murder mystery. And the only one who can save the day? A hard-hitting Sasquatch princess. […]

The post Two-Faced: Legend of the Treesinger Release!!! appeared first on JAMES A. HUNTER.

Song Styles

Every now and again, I stumble across a song that latches onto me and becomes an obsession.  I hit the repeat button, I go back to seek it out at random times, and long before my fascination fades, I’ve got it memorized nuance by nuance.  Thi…