Category: deadlines


So how did I do with the remainder of NaNoWriMo? (The title may have given it away). Not well, to put it delicately. In fact it was my least productive month of writing for the entire year. I had goals, targets, plots, characters, I had four stories I wanted...

More Than I Can Chew

All right this is going to be a short one. So first up how did I do on my monthly goal? Am I writing chapter 10. Yes I am. Unfortunately for me when writing the previous post I mislabelled the chapters. I was already writing chapter 10 and I...

Writer with Benifits

Alright I’m a couple of days late. I said I would post on the 8th but for me that was a Saturday and I don’t write on the weekend. Saturday and Sunday are for spending time with family and socialising with friends and generally catching up on all the...

An update

Okay so mini rant time. I wrote my last post about blocks and my personal strategies to overcome them, I powered through the chapter I was working on, get halfway through the next and…drum-roll please…nothing. Damn you karma why must you afflict me so when I don’t believe in...