Month: June 2019

Pirate’s Luck: Chapter 13 ~ Laundry Problems

Rastan cleaned his body the sonic shower, while Arekan stood at the door preventing any of the curious crew from entering. The fact was Rastan, or the alias he used, Pepin, the new crew-member they had picked up illegally, was too pretty for a group of hardened criminals to...

Wednesday Wanderings

I recently watched the Amazon Prime series Good Omens, an adaptation of the brilliantly funny book by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman.  I very much enjoyed it, but I felt as if it would be much less enjoyable if I weren't familiar with the book.&n......

The Boys

So…. Last night, I was scanning YouTube (actually I was looking at videos on applying epoxy to concrete floors) and I caught an advertisement for Amazon Prime, who appear to be adopting the comic series The Boys for a series.  (Link to the preview trailer here.) The Boys might...

Faux newspaper of Spire City

Looking through the ads I'd created for the Spire City stories, I came across this image that I'd forgotten about. I probably created it between writing Season 1 and Season 2, long before the series was picked up by Musa.It's the same newspaper masthea......

Teaching AP Literature

An English teacher’s dream: a class size of 11, a group of students that love reading, critical thinkers that analyze and write well, unstructured discussions that delve below the literal level of a text. The students did the reading, came to class prepared, were positive about the workload, and...

Short story sale to SFFWorld’s Dying Earth anthology

My story "To Climb by the Light of the Sputtering Sun" will be appearing in SFFWorld's Dying Earth anthology. Dying Earth may make you think of Jack Vance's far future stories. The anthology isn't meant as a pastiche of or tribute to his work, but that......

Wednesday Wanderings

It's no secret that I have problems with brevity.  The sweet spot lengthwise for short stories, for me, is usually between six to eight thousand words, over the word count limit for many markets.  I do well with flash fiction, but that's a di......

Spire City faux ad (+social media blah blah)

The people of Spire City need to be able to travel sometimes, like anywhere else.***By the way, I've been blog silent for a while as I've been doing a variety of things in the background. The truth is that blogging feels like a carryover from an earlie......