Wednesday Wanderings

She has arrived, and she is beautiful.

I'm talking about my proof for Scylla and Charybdis - a lovely surprise, considering it wasn't due for another week.  It's a big, meaty book, a doorstop, glossy and gorgeous.  Watch this space for a cover reveal once I've had a chance to flip through and make sure that all is well.

(The contrast, size-wise, between Flow and Scylla and Charybdis is a little funny - Flow is a fairly short novel.  SaC could devour it, much like its namesake(s).)

I'm excited and a little scared.  The usual jitters:  will the world love my book baby as much as I do?  Well, probably not ... that's a tall order.  But I do hope it will find a special place in a few hearts.