Some more news

The past few months have had a bunch of new things coming out, so here's my attempt to catch up on them.

First, shortly after my last update, I started posting reprints and excerpts at Curious Fictions. I plan to continue posting at least one short story reprint and one excerpt every month. So far that has included a variety of stories. The one I posted in early June was a featured story for the site, "Seven Ways of Bringing Down the Regime." It first appeared in the final issue of the excellent zine Electric Velocipede and was partly inspired by this masterpiece of a painting:

Starting later this month, I will also begin a new, non-reprint thing there, a serial that straddles the line between prose and poetry. Full announcement about that will be coming soon. So please be sure to follow me on that site to stay up to date on that and everything else that goes up there.

In other publications, my poem "The Library of Whispers" was published in Polu Texni, my fifth poem to appear there.

My poem "The Flying City" was published in Liminality.

My flash fiction "Heroes Never Die" was published in Frozen Wavelets. This one is a rather dark-twisting take on the idea of a culture's heroes waiting to return to the rescue in a people's time of need.

And my poem "Body Double for the Oldest Organism" appeared in the SFPA's official magazine, Star*Line 43.3.

And as always, don't forget you can subscribe to Lyrical Worlds to get these kinds of updates on a regular basis.