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Hello world! The Dangers of an Echo Chamber Poetry Thunderdome podcast! Interview About “Shuttlers” Flash fiction: "In the City of the Faced" in Factor Four Magazine!

All Sanderson Lectures Now Available

I’ve mentioned before, on this blog and elsewhere, what incredible value Brandon Sanderson’s YouTube lectures are to new writers. I had no formal training in writing, what with my background in Physics as well as Computer Engineering. It was the Sanderson lectures that helped me take a hobby and craft it into something more serious. […]

What’s so good about Designated Survivor?

OK, not strictly SFF related, but we’ll call it a related look at narrative structure and move on, shall we … In descending order of brilliance: Kiefer Sutherland (who by the way has a lot of names – Kiefer William Frederick Dempsey George Rufus Sutherland) The cheesy dialogue The plot – you don’t need to …

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The post What’s so good about Designated Survivor? appeared first on S P Stevens – Fantasy Author.

James Hunter at MileHiCon October 27th – 29th

Hey all, sorry about my lack of posts—SO busy trying to finish Viridian Gate Online 4, Imperial Legion, and I’m in the home stretch! Almost there. Anyway, just taking a short break from the word-mines to announce I’ll be at MileHiCon this weekend (October 27th – 29th), located at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in the […]

The post James Hunter at MileHiCon October 27th – 29th appeared first on JAMES A. HUNTER.

Song Styles

I love this bizarre little song.A quick summary of the storyline:  the singer is addressing her ex-boyfriend, whose new girlfriend has schemed to get him to take her to Paris – the implication is that he’ll propose in the city of love.  And:W…

Star Trek Discovery

Why Discovery is the best Star Trek to date, and so much better than Star Wars … What’s not to love about the new Star Trek? Discovery combines all the best elements from previous Star Trek series – ‘early’ tech (but not so early that it’s boring), at least one alien officer (arguably more), a …

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The post Star Trek Discovery appeared first on S P Stevens – Fantasy Author.