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Hello world! The Dangers of an Echo Chamber Poetry Thunderdome podcast! Interview About “Shuttlers” Flash fiction: "In the City of the Faced" in Factor Four Magazine!

On life in 2020

Hello, Long time no see. Sorry about that. It’s been an odd year — not just for me, of course. Life has a habit of getting away from me, and crazy times encourage that habit, so I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the state of the union, so to speak. The last […]

A decade online

This is a superfluous post, with no purpose other than to commemorate the 10-year anniversary of this blog.
A lot has changed in the last 10 years, and thankfully all for the better. I’ve changed careers, moved three times, gotten married, had se…

Lunhina: Status Report

I reached a milestone today that I felt warranted a quick post. After reworking my story early last year, I emerged with an outline for a 5-part story, with parts 1-3 roughly correlating to my earlier outlined material, and parts 4&5 rendering a proper conclusion, which was lacking in the early drafts. Today, I finished […]

2019 New Year’s Resolutions

Last year I made a similar post. Before I set down my goals for 2019, let’s see how I did: [2018] In April, my wife is expecting our second son. I hope to make sense of life with two kids running around. [2018] I’d like to get back to the gym, or at least, feel […]

Blockchain without Bitcoin? No.

I’ve lost count of the number of headlines and interviews in the last year which lay out the case that Bitcoin may well be a bust, but “blockchain technology” will still transform the world. Here is a representative Forbes headline (but I am certain you’ve seen plenty yourself if you read financial headlines or watch […]

A Day in the Life

A day in the life of a writer, a.k.a., me! Let me present my completely fool-proof plan to accomplish all of your writing goals. It has worked wonders for me. Yes, a big steaming pile of oddly shaped wonders. 1. Situate Work can’t get done if you aren’t in your work area. To start my […]

2018 New Year’s Resolutions

Happy new year, everybody! 2017 was an interesting year, to be sure. It marks my first full year as a dad, as well as my first full year with the serious intention of writing a publishable work of fiction. Hopefully I succeeded in the first charge better than in the second. (The cat’s tolerance of […]

All Sanderson Lectures Now Available

I’ve mentioned before, on this blog and elsewhere, what incredible value Brandon Sanderson’s YouTube lectures are to new writers. I had no formal training in writing, what with my background in Physics as well as Computer Engineering. It was the Sanderson lectures that helped me take a hobby and craft it into something more serious. […]

Magic is Real

As a fantasy writer, magic is always a part of my worlds. I revel in designing magic systems and exploring how they might change the world around them. Nothing quite stirs the imagination as magic. Yet, with a degree in physics and a long-running fascination with the secrets of nature, I can’t help but feel […]