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Hello world! The Dangers of an Echo Chamber Poetry Thunderdome podcast! Interview About “Shuttlers” Flash fiction: "In the City of the Faced" in Factor Four Magazine!

Wednesday Wanderings


So I’ve just started submissions on a story entitled “Different Drummer,” and I know – I just know – that this one is going to give me trouble with editors.  It was written for a challenge to write about a character who isn’t a hero, which I inter…

Arekan’s Blog: MORE Laundry Problems

Arekan: So the scribe is still writing the trash that “pays the mortgage” but since it seems to keep her in coffee and milkshakes, I won’t complain too much, though I’ve heard there a bit of clamor for her to finish the Arekan’s War Series. [scribe, um Beth:] One reader is hardly a clamor. Arekan:… Continue reading Arekan’s Blog: MORE Laundry Problems

Wednesday Wanderings


Like many others, I’ve been sucked into the phenomenon that is Stranger Things.  Not everyone is a fan, and I’ve heard complaints both from people who find the horror elements dull and would rather just watch the kids interact, and people who are …

Idea Anatomy


I’ve had two stories published lately, Traveling By Starlight:  A Journey of Two Ways, and Before Their Time, and I wanted to talk about where the ideas came from.  Since the respective magazines are both for-purchase, and Outposts of Beyond …