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Hello world! The Dangers of an Echo Chamber Poetry Thunderdome podcast! Interview About “Shuttlers” Flash fiction: "In the City of the Faced" in Factor Four Magazine!

Lunhina: Status Report

I reached a milestone today that I felt warranted a quick post. After reworking my story early last year, I emerged with an outline for a 5-part story, with parts 1-3 roughly correlating to my earlier outlined material, and parts 4&5 rendering a proper conclusion, which was lacking in the early drafts. Today, I finished […]

A Day in the Life

A day in the life of a writer, a.k.a., me! Let me present my completely fool-proof plan to accomplish all of your writing goals. It has worked wonders for me. Yes, a big steaming pile of oddly shaped wonders. 1. Situate Work can’t get done if you aren’t in your work area. To start my […]

New Evidence for Dragon Flight

Since the first dragon skeleton was discovered in 1908 by Ernest Hathelwhite, in the Khumara Basin in what is now northern Sudan, experts have been split over the flight capabilities of such beasts. When the skeleton (Dragonus Primus) was shipped back to England, experts at London’s Natural History Museum rebuilt it, discovering many predicted traits …

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The post New Evidence for Dragon Flight appeared first on S P Stevens – Fantasy Author.

eden Hudson Author Interview!

In honor of our latest co-authored book release, Two-Faced: Legend of the Treesinger, I managed to talk the awesome and amazingly-talented eden Hudson into doing an interview with me! She is the author of the Redneck Apocalypse Series and the Jubal Van Zandt series, published by Shadow Alley Press. And aside from being an amazing author (and a stellar […]

The post eden Hudson Author Interview! appeared first on JAMES A. HUNTER.

More Drama, Less Action

I am currently getting feedback from my brilliant Beta readers on Bindcrafter, and the question as to whether certain sections are too slow has cropped up. But what do we mean by too slow? Assuming you haven’t added extraneous characters or plotlines which are frustrating to readers, most likely they mean it’s dragging. They don’t …

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The post More Drama, Less Action appeared first on S P Stevens – Fantasy Author.

The Craft of #Writing: Brain Secrets of Lexical Density

Writing is hard. Difficult. Okay, it’s the kick in your stomach when you are working like a demon to scrape the words out of your dissolute soul.The words refuse to arrive like the A-list celebrities you invited to your party. Your characters snottily refuse to talk to you, your descriptions fall flatter than gluten-free pancakes,… Continue reading The Craft of #Writing: Brain Secrets of Lexical Density