Breaking News: Potter defeats Voldemort
Last night, in a battle fought across the country, the young wizard Harry Potter delivered a resounding defeat to the Dark Lord Voldemort. Potter was widely considered too young and inexperienced to be a serious threat to He Who Now Can Be Named Freely......
A metaphysical interview with Thomas Mulcair
Last on my list of interviews was Thomas Mulcair, the leader of the New Democrats. It took a while to get hold of him, because when I called his campaign office a recording said the line had been disconnected. Eventually I tracked down...
A metaphysical interview with Justin Trudeau
After my unsatisfying interview with the Prime Minister, I met with Justin Trudeau, leader of the Liberal Party. That didn’t go much better.
To start with, he wanted to meet me on a beach in Cuba. When I got there he was lying...
A metaphysical interview with Stephen Harper
So it’s been a long time since I posted anything here, despite the obvious fact that there is a national election going on and everyone is in a tizzy. I’ve been busy, mostly working on a new book, which is turning out to...
Comment on World Go Boom by Beth Turnage
Sure Jonathan. Any excuse to take a nap. :)...