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"A Benthic Myth of the Deep Sea" in The Pink Hydra! Hello world! The Dangers of an Echo Chamber Poetry Thunderdome podcast! Interview About “Shuttlers”

Song Styles

I didn’t post last Sunday because, on top of working, I had a lengthy meeting with two fellow harpers.  We run the Cincinnati Harpers’ Robin together:  a group of traditional lever harp players who perform a few times a year, with a specialty…

Viridian Gate Online: The Jade Lord

Yep, that’s right folks—it’s finally here: Release Day! You can now pick up Viridian Gate Online book 3 on Amazon. Hope you dig it! *** November, 2042 It’s been a busy month for thirty-two-year-old Jack Mitchel: Three weeks ago, he died. Two weeks ago, he founded the first Faction in the ultra-immersive, fantasy-based VRMMORPG, Viridian […]

Dragon Award Nominations

Hey everyone! So this year, I’ll be attending DragonCon in Atlanta which is gonna be so, so awesome. And right now, DragonCon is accepting nominations for the second annual Dragon Award—a fan-based award to recognize excellence in all things Science Fiction and Fantasy. So, if you’re a fan and dig what I do, consider taking […]

Chuck Wendig’s #FlashFiction Challenge: Demons vs. Assassins

This piece of flash comes to you by the way of two sources. The first is Chuck Wendig’s Friday Flash Fiction Challenge. And here is what he says about that: Way this works is, below you will find two tables — X and Y! — and you will pick (or randomly draw) from those tables.… Continue reading Chuck Wendig’s #FlashFiction Challenge: Demons vs. Assassins