Month: April 2019

Wednesday Wanderings

So as I continue to do planning for my next novel, I've come to realize I will probably need to build a glossary for both point of view characters.  The magic system involves synesthesia, and both characters are magic-users.  Their forms of s......

Story sale!

I've just sold my fantasy story "Waterways" (which has a particularly entertaining backstory that I'll share ... some day) to StoryHack Action and Adventure, due out in Issue #6 (probably near the end of the year)....

Wednesday Wanderings

Happy (slightly belated) book birthday to Scylla and Charybdis!  My sprawling, epic science fiction novel came out in April of 2018.  It garnered some lovely reviews, and I'm still terribly proud of it ... especially as I never thought of sci......

Who Needs Shakespeare?

“Who needs Shakespeare? I’ve gotten along just fine until now without him, and suddenly, at 18, I’m supposed to care about some English guy who wrote about a Scottish guy who wants to be king?” Of course I’d heard of William Shakespeare before then, but somehow I’d escaped having...

New Coat of Paint

So with my life settling out a little - for now - I've had some mental bandwidth to devote to other things.  I've decided to try out a few experiments with upgrading my social media presence. On Twitter - @lindseycduncan - and my Facebook aut......

Cities of Wonder, Rails of Irreality ebook available for pre-order

So you've been curious about this chapbook but wanting the ebook version instead? Well, National Poetry Month is an excellent time to give it a try. It combines poems, some previously published and some new, with poetic flash-story prose into something......

Short story published in Mirror Dance

My story "Amid Sun and Stone, an Alias," is in the latest issue of Mirror Dance. I've longed enjoyed the stories written by the editor of Mirror Dance, Megan Arkenberg, and kept thinking I should submit a story...and never got around to it before sendi......

Wednesday Wanderings

Having finished my draft of Surgeburnt, my fiction writing dance card has some free space, and I thought writing some short stories would be a nice change of pace.  I had a couple of ideas at the front of my brain, but they promised to be len......

Faux ad of Spire City–entertainment!

Spire City isn't only infections, callous wealthy, and dirty alleys and tunnels. People can enjoy themselves here. When they aren't running for their lives... So maybe they'll even get a chance to hear this traveling troupe:Like the last ad, this is a ......