Month: September 2019

The cat who lived and other news…

People often say writing is a marathon not a sprint. For me it’s more like a mission to Mars with several lost crews and failed launches behind it. But now Earth looks like a tiny blue dot in the rear-view mirror and I shall soon be activating manoeuvring thrusters.


The (non-physical) Benefits of Running

I remember the dread that filled me on the way to school. Every year in middle school, these terrible physical tests in PE reared their heads and one of those fearsome monsters was the mile run. I never did well, hated every moment of it, and was embarrassed by...

Wednesday Wanderings

So I've just started submissions on a story entitled "Different Drummer," and I know - I just know - that this one is going to give me trouble with editors.  It was written for a challenge to write about a character who isn't a hero, which I inter......

Arekan’s Blog: MORE Laundry Problems

Arekan: So the scribe is still writing the trash that “pays the mortgage” but since it seems to keep her in coffee and milkshakes, I won’t complain too much, though I’ve heard there a bit of clamor for her to finish the Arekan’s War Series. [scribe, um Beth:] One...