Author: Daniel Ausema

Goal setting—a fiction writer’s how to

I didn't used to like creating specific goals. It always felt artificial and a recipe for disappointment. Because, sure, I could set a goal to write XYZ, but when I fell short I thought the fact of falling short would overwhelm any sense of accomplishm......

Two stories, one to read and one to hear. Wait, make that three!

The Dying Earth anthology is finally out. My story "To Climb by the Light of the Sputtering Sun" was written specifically for the antho. In fact, I'm pretty sure it was the only full short story I wrote in 2018. (I wrote some flash and micro fiction, n......

The next Lyrical Worlds newsletter

I knew a newsletter going out at the start of the week would just get lost in Cyber Monday sales pitches (and yikes, I knew it would be bad, but it seemed like a lot more than other years this time...). So the December newsletter will be going out...

2019 eligibility post

Lots of posts going up on Twitter about this year's eligibility for various awards, etc. I have two more short stories that I'm expecting to come out before the end of the year, so I'll add those in tentatively and update it with links, new stories if ......

“The Game” in the Lyrical Worlds newsletter

I mentioned in my November Lyrical Worlds newsletter that I would share pictures of the original publication of the reprinted story in it, "The Game."Fictitious Force had a unique shape. I suppose it was simply folded the other direction (hotdog bun st......

Dying Earth cover art

I announced a story sale to this anthology some months ago, and at the time it was expected to come out fairly soon, but there were some delays in getting to publication.Now it's finally getting close to publication, and we recently were sent the cover......

November newsletter almost ready to go out.

Here's what could be in your inbox soon...This newsletter includes a short story that has never appeared online before, a story that appeared (I'm just rediscovering now) alongside some now well known, award-winning short story writers. So if you haven......

Lyrical Worlds newsletter–sign up now!

And there it is, hinted at a few weeks ago and now live: the Lyrical Worlds newsletter.Lyrical Worlds will be the key way to get the latest news about my stories, poems, novels, etc. I'll still share links here on the blog, but the monthly newsletter w......

New place, same as the old place

Well, look at that. This is a brand new website. One that...looks exactly like the old one, for now anyway. Updating it to is just one of the behind-the-scenes things I've been working on.In other news, The Roots of Betrayal&nbs......