The Dangers of an Echo Chamber
So … I’m sure most readers are familiar with the idea of an echo chamber: a person surrounding themselves only with people who agree with that person, so that the only ideas the person hears are similar to their own—you know, echoing back their own opinions. It’s often brought...
Riding to the Rescue!
So … Whether it’s the group of riders sweeping around the corner and charging into battle to save the day, or a powerful figure entering a boardroom to save the main character from corporate malfeasance, I think most people love a good last-minute intervention by the cavalry riding to...
Book News!
Hello, friends. Just a quick note to catch up on some things. Biggest news is that my latest book, Cradle of the Old Weapons, will launch on 1 Apr (no fools). The Kindle version is up now and the paperback is in review, so barring any issues, it will...
CreateNet, Skynet’s Awkard Cousin, is Upon Us
So … AI. Artificial Intelligence. Long a staple of science fiction, it’s also long been something of a holy grail for the science community. The depictions have run the gamut but I would say that for the most part, said depictions are rather ominous, and have been since the...
Excelsior! Part 3
(This is my third year of posting a summary of my writing and word counts, so part three.) So … Another year under the belt. In terms of word production, 2022 was my worst year since 2019. I ended up penning around 280K new words this year, so lemme...
Book Day! And onto the future!
So … New book day! My second book in the Tales of Bleakwater, series, The Burnt Ends of Bad Ideas, is now live and in the wild. This volume focuses on Kayla’s sister Mara as she struggles to find her purpose after the events of No Rest for Wicked...
A Writer Looks at Fifty
(With apologies to Jimmy Buffet for paraphrasing the title of one of his hit songs.) So … Birthday today. Fifty years. Half a century on this ball of mud, and I kicked around a good part of in my time as a military brat and military member. In those...
Just a Brief Catch-Up
Hey, all. Sorry I have not been very active lately. It has been a busy, busy spring. I have a few ideas for posts here, that I will try to get to in coming days. But a few things before I get to that. First, the newest version of...
So, Book News!
All right, to start with, I have a set date for my first novella in my new series, Tales of Bleakwater . The opening book, No Rest for Wicked Thieves (Amazon link) features Kayla Tanglebrush, a world-weary burglar caught between her past and her present. First book is available...
Excelsior! Part 2
(Part 1 was my last post of last year.) So … It’s been a wild year, writing-wise and otherwise. Writing was tough, and touch-and-go at times. I ran into some stress late in the year when things went wrong, and for the first time in five years, I did...