Category: Me and My Blog

Excelsior! Part 3

(This is my third year of posting a summary of my writing and word counts, so part three.) So … Another year under the belt. In terms of word production, 2022 was my worst year since 2019. I ended up penning around 280K new words this year, so lemme...

A Writer Looks at Fifty

(With apologies to Jimmy Buffet for paraphrasing the title of one of his hit songs.) So … Birthday today. Fifty years. Half a century on this ball of mud, and I kicked around a good part of in my time as a military brat and military member. In those...

Just a Brief Catch-Up

Hey, all. Sorry I have not been very active lately. It has been a busy, busy spring. I have a few ideas for posts here, that I will try to get to in coming days. But a few things before I get to that. First, the newest version of...

Excelsior! Part 2

(Part 1 was my last post of last year.) So … It’s been a wild year, writing-wise and otherwise. Writing was tough, and touch-and-go at times. I ran into some stress late in the year when things went wrong, and for the first time in five years, I did...

Podcast! Me on One!

So … I was recently on the podcast over at Ben’s Book Shack to talk with Ben Kushner about family dynamics in fantasy writing and why it’s such a powerful source of material. Links below. The whole thing is about 50 minutes. Two caveats: one, Ben sounds great but...


So, 2020 … a great year all around, amirite? Muse: Go sit down. Yeah, it was a rough year for a lot of reasons. But since my better half is always (rightly) encouraging me to be more positive and not such a pessimist, I thought I’d pick out something...