Category: poetry

Poem "Unveiling the Moon" in ETTT

Photo by Ganapathy Kumar on UnsplashContinuing with catching up, my poem "Unveiling the Moon" is in the 44th issue of Eye to the Telescope. Like all the poems in this issue, it is a poem about an imaginary work of art, in this case about an artist who ......

February whirlwind of news…

February turned out to be a crazy month, with most of the craziness coming in the span of a week. I'm still rather dizzied from it, so this will simply be a rundown of what's happened:Spire City: Occupied was released as an ebook. It will rem......

February whirlwind of news…

February turned out to be a crazy month, with most of the craziness coming in the span of a week. I'm still rather dizzied from it, so this will simply be a rundown of what's happened:Spire City: Occupied was released as an ebook. It will rem......

Award Eligibility 2021

Are you reading for award nominations? Just curious for an update on publications? This is what I've had published in 2021:Novel: Spire City: Occupied (serialized on Kindle Vella/Curious Fictions/Ko-fi)Short Stories: "Triptych of the Final St......

Award Eligibility 2021

Are you reading for award nominations? Just curious for an update on publications? This is what I've had published in 2021:Novel: Spire City: Occupied (serialized on Kindle Vella/Curious Fictions/Ko-fi)Short Stories: "Triptych of the Final St......

"The Forbidden Path to Forgetting"

 My poem "The Forbidden Path to Forgetting" has been unlocked for everyone to read! The poem was inspired by a picture of the stone labyrinth on an island off the coast of Sweden, Blå Jungfrun....

Two more poems sold!

 This past week or so I've sold two more poems, and I'm ecstatic about it! First, I "The Forbidden Path to Forgetting" to Fantasy Magazine. Fantasy! Magazine! I've been sending them since (I just checked) December 2005, and I love the feel of the ......

Poem sold to Star*Line!

 My poem "The Pelagic Colossus" has just sold to Star*Line. That's a nice bit of news to get during National Poetry Month. Look for it in one of the next two issues. ...

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2019 eligibility post

Lots of posts going up on Twitter about this year's eligibility for various awards, etc. I have two more short stories that I'm expecting to come out before the end of the year, so I'll add those in tentatively and update it with links, new stories if ......