The Market of Magical Goods collection in print!
And in the next catching-up-on-things post, I've collected all the Market of Magical Goods drabbles that I used to put up on Curious Fictions, added another dozen that hadn't been published before, and made them into a chapbook. It's something sm......
"What Passes for Eyes in Dreams and Death" in Fantasy
I've been traveling (and even when not traveling, pulled in a thousand directions at once), so I have several different new publications/announcements/news-type things to post about that each deserve their own post. So first, in June my story "Wh......
"What Passes for Eyes in Dreams and Death" in Fantasy
I've been traveling (and even when not traveling, pulled in a thousand directions at once), so I have several different new publications/announcements/news-type things to post about that each deserve their own post. So first, in June my story "Wh......
"Hands That Cannot Grasp" in Kaleidotrope!
A bit late to this (and there's more news coming very soon to add to it...). But I'm thrilled that my poem "Hands That Cannot Grasp" appeared in the latest issue of Kaleidotrope. It is a poem of transformation:Why did we do it? Why thistransformation i......
"Hands That Cannot Grasp" in Kaleidotrope!
A bit late to this (and there's more news coming very soon to add to it...). But I'm thrilled that my poem "Hands That Cannot Grasp" appeared in the latest issue of Kaleidotrope. It is a poem of transformation:Why did we do it? Why thistransformation i......
"Excavating Lost Languages" in Frozen Wavelets #8! (and more…)
My flash story "Excavating Lost Languages" came out in that latest issue of Frozen Wavelets! It's short and full of linguistic whimsy and imaginary writing systems, lost to time.Also, as a follow-up to my most recent post, my story from the Enigmatic S......
"Excavating Lost Languages" in Frozen Wavelets #8! (and more…)
My flash story "Excavating Lost Languages" came out in that latest issue of Frozen Wavelets! It's short and full of linguistic whimsy and imaginary writing systems, lost to time.Also, as a follow-up to my most recent post, my story from the Enigmatic S......
"The Life Cycle of a Shadow" in The Compendium of Enigmatic Species!
A new flash story came out recently in this anthology, The Compendium of Enigmatic Species!My story is a pseudo-journalistic piece about the lesser and greater shadows and the threat one specific shadow poses to the world. Check it out!...
"The Life Cycle of a Shadow" in The Compendium of Enigmatic Species!
A new flash story came out recently in this anthology, The Compendium of Enigmatic Species!My story is a pseudo-journalistic piece about the lesser and greater shadows and the threat one specific shadow poses to the world. Check it out!...
2022 publications — Award Eligibility Post
These past months have been chaos. No apologies or explanations, but there have been a number of things published since my last post. They will be included in this award eligibility post:In 2022 I had 8 short stories published, 3 poems, and 2 novels (t......