Category: Review

Doctor Who Series 1 — or Series 14 — or Series 40

The most recent series of Doctor Who finished a couple of weeks ago. Due to Disney’s dictates, it’s officially described as Series 1, which has angered a lot of fans, who insist that it’s actually Series 14. Whereas, as us old-timers know, it’s really Series 40. Whatever it’s called,...

Wheel of Time & TV Review

Let’s talk Wheel of Time. How are you enjoying season 2? As you probably know, we have brought the After-Time podcast back (, and it’s a thumbs up from the panel this time round. Much better than seaso......

"What Passes for Eyes in Dreams and Death" in Fantasy

 I've been traveling (and even when not traveling, pulled in a thousand directions at once), so I have several different new publications/announcements/news-type things to post about that each deserve their own post. So first, in June my story "Wh......

"What Passes for Eyes in Dreams and Death" in Fantasy

 I've been traveling (and even when not traveling, pulled in a thousand directions at once), so I have several different new publications/announcements/news-type things to post about that each deserve their own post. So first, in June my story "Wh......

Writing update and what I’ve been watching

A darkness has descended over Europe. Prayers and thoughts are with Ukraine. In my writing news, I have just finished the first draft of book 3 in the Rankers series (sequels to Deliverance at Van Demon’s Deep), that’s now off to my amazing beta reader......

Pepe Deluxe – Phantom Cabinet Vol. 1 – Shaun’s Review

Yes, I LOVED this album! Pepe Deluxé is a Finnish electronic music oriented band, formed in 1996 by DJ Slow (Vellu Maurola) JA-Jazz (Tomi Castrén, formerly Paajanen) and James Spectrum (Jari Salo) in Helsinki, Finland. How to describe this album? Well,......

Something scary for Halloween, all right …

Okay, I did a thing. I read Twilight. (NOTE: There are some mild spoilers below.) Pause for collective sharp intakes of breath. Before I elaborate on anything, a little background. Five or six weeks ago, I was on the phone with my mom. Mom is interested in my writing...


Ever wished that markets would provide feedback about why they did not select the submitted story...

Reading & Writing

When I'm doing one I'm not doing the other. ...