The Titular Woes of Untitled Treats
Postcard from Brighton
A flight across the Feyrlands
The Making of Nether Light
Self-isolation Tips for the Jilted Generation
Boundless, slightly annoying optimism
The cat who lived and other news…
People often say writing is a marathon not a sprint. For me it’s more like a mission to Mars with several lost crews and failed launches behind it. But now Earth looks like a tiny blue dot in the rear-view mirror and I shall soon be activating manoeuvring thrusters.
Game of Thrones, Squirrels, & Fantasy Recommendations
It is Star Wars Day as I write this, aka the day of terrible puns, and I’m sat in my car, waiting for my son, as some teenagers get told off by the police for drinking outside our local store.
February Roundup
I’ve been in a holding pattern this month, waiting for Beta readers of Sky of Souls to get back to me and otherwise working on story outlines.
The post February Roundup appeared first on S P Stevens - Fantasy Author.
...2019 Brings Dark Rhymes
A belated happy 2019! Can you believe we’re already halfway through January? Yikes… So, what’s been happening? Well, my cat Neo acquired a limp this month, received fighting next door’s cat. Luckily, he has made a full recovery without me having to sell a kidney to pay the vet....