Category: Uncategorized

Sunday … Shopping?

Tis the season for ... frantic commercialism?  Perhaps not, but if you're looking for a gift to give to support a starving artist, perhaps consider:My contemporary fantasy novel FlowORThe traditional music of Rolling Of The Stone, from Scottish to......

2017 Year and Eligibility Post

Well another year has come and gone—it’s been a good one, though busy, with lots of words written and lots of books published. The end of the year also means that award season is coming into full swing, so I’m putting together my list of 2017 Award eligible books,...


I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes.  Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world.  You’re doing things you’ve never done before, and more importantly, you’re doing something. —...

Thursday Thoughts

(It's been a crazy few weeks and my work schedule has been temporarily flipped around, which means I'm working my normal ten hour shift on Wednesdays ... hence the lack of a mid-week post.)I posted a few weeks ago about my recent short story publicatio......

Song Styles

A few weeks ago, I asked about favorite Christmas carols, old and new.  (And I would still love to hear the answers!)  I just have to share one of mine, a song that makes me grin no matter how much of a Grinch or Scrooge I'm feeling, and one...

First Review for Pilgrimage to Skara

Greetings.  Yes, it has been a long time, and real-life, as it likes to do, has been kicking my ass in about five different ways. No matter.  Good news brings me back.  Back in May, I entered author Mark Lawrence’s 2016 contest Self-Published Fantasy Blog-Off (SPFBO).  Essentially, it’s three...

Song Styles

Surgeburnt is, in many ways, the protagonist against the world:  she's up against larger problems to which there are no solutions (or at least, there seem to be none).  But there are specific antagonists with which she clashes - and one ......

Anatomy Of An Idea: For As Many Dawns

We interrupt your (generally) regularly scheduled blog post to bring up a new publication of mine and talk a little bit about the inspiration.  You can read it here:For As Many Dawns(I do recommend you read the story before this post, if you do in......

Song Styles

With the holiday season nearly upon us, already upon us, or in full swing (depending on who you ask), I'd like to pose the question to you:  what are your favorite tunes?  It doesn't have to be Christmas - I've learned the Hanukkah tune Seviv......

Viridian Gate Online: Imperial Legion Release!

Yep, that’s right folks, the big day is finally here … VGO 4, Imperial Legion, is finally out!!!! And to celebrate, the other three Viridian Gate Online books will all be on sale starting Sunday, so if you’re behind, now is a perfect time to catch up. Hope you...