Category: Uncategorized

Brimstone Blues is Finally Here!

Whelp folks the big day is finally here, Brimstone Blues is unleashed upon the world. BWAHAHAHA! And to celebrate, EVERY single Lazarus book will be on sale this week for 99 cents starting with Strange Magic TODAY (1/13-2017) and Cold Hearted tomorrow. The rest will follow each day after...

Thursday Thoughts

A day late due to schedule juggling this week; I was working yesterday, and while it was an enjoyable day, it was a hectic one spent running interminably back and forth to the ovens (pies, cookies, cheesecake!).Thought I would talk today about my ritua......

litRPG is not Cyberpunk … Here’s why

Recently, I moderated a panel at a local Denver area Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention. This panel was all about Cyberpunk and the newly emerging genre called litRPG. In a way, it made sense to pair these two things together; after all, if you pull up the Cyberpunk top...

Song Styles

One of the backstory characters in Surgeburnt, Tahir, is deceased (we learn this very early on, since the narrator inherited his powers, so it's not a spoiler), and the character appears only in flashback scenes and in the narrator's memories of h......

Wednesday Wanderings

Alas for the internet, for it has one terrible consequence:  it is now almost impossible to go about singing ridiculously incorrect song lyrics, blissfully ignorant of the truth.  A single peek on Google resolves (almost) all questions, so we......

Song Styles

It's the most wonderful time of the year ...No, really.  As a professional musician, I've had to start working on my Christmas repertoire, brushing off songs that I haven't played for nine months.  Many of these tunes have been part of my ann......

Wednesday Wanderings

It's official:  my weekly post has migrated to this day.  I work four 10 hour shifts at my new job, which means that I have one day off in the middle of the week, and this is it.  A lot of people have winced and said, "Ugh!" when I've...

Song Styles

Another few months, another set of CDs for my car listening pleasure, and another game of word association, as I string song titles together by links of varying degrees of sense:Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under? - Shania TwainThese Boots Are Made F......

Song Styles

I made a new set of car CDs for myself yesterday, and part of the collection is my playlist for Surgeburnt.  It's incomplete, technically - some characters don't have songs, but beyond character specific themesongs, I have songs for specific relat......

Monday Meanderings

Last week, I brought up the thorny topic (to me) of calendars.  To me, our month and day names stand out as products of our world, so they don't work well in a fantasy setting.  (Exceptions would be alternate earths or the stealth fantasy-set......