Song Styles
So when I did my flash-and-poetry boot camp, I generated more ideas than I was going to need so I could pick and choose ... but not too many more, so I wasn't left dithering.There was one idea that I put down and didn't end up using, but I...
Monday Meanderings
Suspension of disbelief is a marvelous thing. It makes possible our immersion into fantastic realms where wizards fly and griffins sling fireballs ... wait, reverse that. It even operates in other genres, allowing us to believe in the amate......
GoodReads Review: Shelf Life ed. Greg Ketter
Shelf Life: Fantastic Stories Celebrating Bookstores by Greg KetterMy rating: 3 of 5 starsHow could I resist an anthology full of stories about bookstores? These are all solid, satisfying tales, but the narrow theme is made narrower by the fact they al......
Song Styles
I've been adding songs to my Surgeburnt playlist as I come across them, and noticing a pattern: all of Maren's songs, except one, in some way reference death or dying. There's a nihilistic attitude underlying the songs I've chosen, a s......
Monday Meanderings
I've been mulling over alternate history of late: how does one historical turning point change the shape of the world? Much fiction has been composed and spilled on the subject. It's also a difficult thing to get right: any one ......
Song Styles
For your amusement, sympathy, and perhaps to snare an unsuspecting soul into the same trap that has tortured me for the last few days ... for some reason, this song has been an earworm in the back of my brain:The Red Shoes - Kate BushThe song reference......
Song Styles
Who Wants To Be A Hero? is still seeking an agent, which means that some typing is curtailed due to my perpetual crossing of fingers. I've spoken before about some of the character themesongs, and today I'd like to highlight Senashi, the god......
Song Styles
I didn't post last Sunday because, on top of working, I had a lengthy meeting with two fellow harpers. We run the Cincinnati Harpers' Robin together: a group of traditional lever harp players who perform a few times a year, with a specialty......
Old Story, Old Posting
I don’t know how I missed this. A while back–like four months ago–I had a story posted up at the wargaming site Titled, “Just When I Thought I Was Out,” the story involves an aged magician’s gambit against some dark forces working against him. I knew about this...
The Tyranny of Slutty Clothing
So…. I often video game in my off time. Mostly RPGs (role-playing games), just because I love the storytelling –at least, if they are any good. But I do enjoy an MMO now and again. MMO. Massive Multiplayer Online game. The type of game that has lots of people...