Category: Uncategorized

On Swearing*

*contains some swearwords I have a theory on why words start sounding really weird if we repeat them over and over. Mostly, when we use language, we’re not actually thinking about the sounds that our mouths are forming, but the meaning attached to those sounds. Listening to a foreign...

Rumble in Woodhollow, et al

So…. My latest project, Rumble in Woodhollow (Kindle, print) is now live on Amazon.  It’s the first book in the trilogy The Holly Sisters.   Rumble introduces us to a twenty-two-year-old faery named Sydney.  Sydney is the younger sister of Marla, the leader of the Faery Gang, which is...

The Boys

So…. Last night, I was scanning YouTube (actually I was looking at videos on applying epoxy to concrete floors) and I caught an advertisement for Amazon Prime, who appear to be adopting the comic series The Boys for a series.  (Link to the preview trailer here.) The Boys might...

The Snark is Unbecoming

So…. I first interacted with Sarah Chorn last year when Pilgrimage to Skara was a finalist in the 2017 Self-Published Fantasy Blog-Off (still tickles every time I say that).  Sarah runs the blog Bookworm Blues, which was then, and is again this year, one of the SPFBO judges. Sarah didn’t...

The Drying MMO Pond

So…. I was in Lord of the Rings Online (LOTRO) this evening.  It’s my go-to RPG-type game when I just want to bum around a bit and talk to some old online friends. Well, there was a discussion about MMOs (Massive Multiplayer Online games) in the “global” chat channel...

The Long Slow Slog of Life

So…. Been six months since I populated this space and … well, lots has happened. Real life has been an adventure.  On a down note, health concerns for close family members have eaten up a lot of time.  I’ve been helping with health care–which is a) exhausting and b)...

“Chains” now available in Kzine!

Blink and you (... or at least I!) miss it:  my story "Chains" is out in the current issue of Kzine!  Check it out:  Kzine (Issue 23)...

Song Styles

For Christmas, I got Elle King's new album, Shake The Spirit.  I'm a big fan of Elle King; I like to describe her music as "Wild West Rock."  The thematics and lyrics remind me of the roughest parts of an old-school western.  (The two so......

Wednesday Wanderings

If you've been watching this blog space (which is a bit like watching grass grow, only less organic and more purple), you may have noticed that it's been quieter of late, fewer posts.  That's because I haven't as much time to write.  In fact,......

Wednesday Wanderings

Lemming-like, I approach the topic of my year in review.  Initially, I thought that it would be a depressing topic, at least where my writing is concerned.  Then, I realized I had forgotten the biggest news of my year:  the publication o......