Category: Uncategorized

Song Styles

I've gone through a bit of a hibernation period as a harper.  Not that I haven't been performing and teaching, but before I started on my Christmas repertoire, I noticed that practicing had become a chore.  I wasn't looking forward to it the ......

Wednesday Wanderings

Happy Boxing Day, (belated) Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Wonderful Winter Solstice ... whatever you choose to celebrate or ignore, I wish it all to you with a homemade candied cherry on top.  I've been almost radio silence on this blog for mos......

Song Styles

Another few months, another set of music CDs to entertain me upon my driving ... driving ... so much driving.  As always, I create CDs with themes, whether it be "House and Home" or "Long Distance" ... and then one set that where the connecting th......

Wednesday Wanderings

Since I've had a number of short story sales lately (huzzah!), I'm working on editing a new story to put into submissions soon.  This tale, "Lip Service," is a contemporary fantasy. where phantasmal creatures resembling bees secrete magical energy......

“Super Solutions” now available!

The Fifth Di ... December 2018 issue is now out, with my story, "Super Solutions."  Check it out:  The Fifth Di - December 2018This is my oddball little superhero reality television show story.  I had so much fun with it, but humor ......

Song Styles

One of the reasons I have this Sunday feature is because as a professional harper, music is very important to me, though my listening tastes are quite different from my playing tastes, where I specialize in Celtic and early music, with some contemporar......

Wednesday Wanderings

Notes from a worldbuilding ...The world creation aspect of this project has certainly taken me longer than in the past, but it's not because of the quantity - and believe me, I have one set of world notes that clocks in at around 50,000 words, as long ......

Song Styles

(Past few weeks have been very hectic, hence the radio silence here.  Hope I'm back in action now!)I talked a lot about the various portions of my Scylla and Charybdis playlist during my blog tour, but I don't think I ever posted the list in ......

Song Styles

No posting of my writerly musical musings would be complete without eventually mentioning this gem, which is a pretty accurate depiction of the inside of my brain at times:Bears Dance To Sweet DreamsYes.  Really....

Wednesday Wanderings

Confession time:  I'm a comma maximalist.I adhere to the formal rules of comma use, even those that some publications and editors have begun to abandon.  I'm a fan of the Oxford comma.  When a comma is indicated for clarity or effect, I ......