Teaching is Exhausting

Sitting here at the end of my 10th full year of teaching, I’m exhausted. Those of us who get into this career know what we’re in for; non-teachers will often make sympathetic comments about how hard it must be to be a teacher; even lots of our students are...

Rotary Club

Yesterday, I gave a talk to a Rotary Club meeting in New Hampshire from here in England via Zoom, organised by Annalisa, my writing coach. I told them about being a writer and author, winning prizes, and read them one of the stories from Paranormal City: Bogeyman Blues. They...

Whittlesey Women’s Institute

On Tuesday evening, I gave a talk about my book “Unleash Your Dreams” to Whittlesey WI (Women's Institute). After a Q&A, we had coffee and cakes together, and I got a chance to chat with the ladies. I sold a few copies of my book, including one that was...

Whittlesey Women’s Institute

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Riding to the Rescue!

So … Whether it’s the group of riders sweeping around the corner and charging into battle to save the day, or a powerful figure entering a boardroom to save the main character from corporate malfeasance, I think most people love a good last-minute intervention by the cavalry riding to...

"Hands That Cannot Grasp" in Kaleidotrope!

A bit late to this (and there's more news coming very soon to add to it...). But I'm thrilled that my poem "Hands That Cannot Grasp" appeared in the latest issue of Kaleidotrope. It is a poem of transformation:Why did we do it? Why thistransformation i......

"Hands That Cannot Grasp" in Kaleidotrope!

A bit late to this (and there's more news coming very soon to add to it...). But I'm thrilled that my poem "Hands That Cannot Grasp" appeared in the latest issue of Kaleidotrope. It is a poem of transformation:Why did we do it? Why thistransformation i......

Neuroscience in the English Classroom

This school year, I decided to lean into something that I’d previously only been incorporating in a piecemeal manner in my classroom. Starting at the beginning of the school year, my 10th graders have gotten a healthy dose of neuroscience in my English classes. In part, it’s because I’m...

The Craft of #Writing: #Pantsing versus #Outlining

The following is from my post on Quora responding to this question: Do writers and authors write out an outline of their novel first? How detailed is the outline? Whether to outline or “pants” (meaning to write by the seat of their pants) is individual to each writer. Some...