Step Into the Fifth Dimension
Are you old enough to remember Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone series? Or maybe you watched the reruns and reboots. Weren’t they the weirdest experience?
Either way, do you want to experience the same kind of thrill again? This time in the printed ......
Books on Sale!!
Hey readers! So, starting today (23 Aug) through Friday (27 Aug), my series The Holly Sisters is on sale. Book 1, Rumble in Woodhollow can be downloaded from Amazon for FREE. The other two e-books (The Mauler and Sylvan Valley Aflame) are marked down to $0.99 for the week....
Spire City: Occupied Character: Alless
Mad science has always been a key part of the Spire City stories. Whether it's the strange textile techniques among the Neshini people far to the north in The Patterns of Cloth and Dreams or the cruel serum invented by Orgood in the original series, th......
Dear Cats, I Promise You Won’t Starve
My dear cats, I’m writing to inform you that our daily feeding rituals have become untenable. I ask that you consider my concerns and hope that we can come to an agreeable understanding moving forward, so that our cohabitation can continue to be a benefit to us all. Findus,...
Spire City: Occupied Characters: the spire singer Jensha
The first two things I knew about Spire City when I began creating the setting was that it had beetle-drawn carriages and that it kept singers chained to the peaks of its spires. I was asked this summer where those things came from, and I couldn'......
Podcast! Me on One!
So … I was recently on the podcast over at Ben’s Book Shack to talk with Ben Kushner about family dynamics in fantasy writing and why it’s such a powerful source of material. Links below. The whole thing is about 50 minutes. Two caveats: one, Ben sounds great but...
Spire City: Occupied Characters: Keene
Now back to the characters of Spire City: Occupied.Keene is...he's fun. A rugged, ragged-around-the-edges hunter who lives in a harsh landscape, the home of the great beetles that are eventually tamed and hitched to the carriages and taxis of the......
"The Cities Rise Up on Legs of Lead" sold to Daily Science Fiction!
A brief interruption of the character intros to mention that I've sold the flash fiction story "The Cities Rise Up on Legs of Lead" to Daily Science Fiction. It's a fabulist-tinted story of cities coming to life and the city-folk placing their ho......
Spire City: Occupied Characters: Unnamed Correspondent
Our second character from Spire City: Occupied has no name. The correspondent is from Spire City, conscripted into the Mernan army, and reveals little else about their history or identity. What they do make clear is what's really happening i......
Spire City: Occupied characters: Temli
I'm putting together a few posts here to introduce the main characters of Spire City: Occupied. Starting with the airship captain Temli.Temli is a middle-aged woman who loves to fly more than anything. She owns her own small airship that she (along wit......