Spire City: Occupied, slight change of plans…

I've been getting ready to start promoting my serialized novel Spire City: Occupied on both Vella and Curious Fictions, after a soft launch earlier this month.With yesterday's news about Curious Fictions closing at the end of August, I'm still releasin......

"The Pelagic Colossus" published in Star*Line 44.3

I've just returned from a two-week family road trip (and feeling rather tired from it), but a couple of cool things happened publishing-wise while I was away. I'll start with this news, that Star*Line 44.3 was published. It includes my poem "The P......


I wrote the following piece for my school’s literary magazine. It’s a student-initiated, student-run endeavor that I loosely oversee. We take submissions from HS students and staff at the school and the student editors put it all together. This year, our theme revolved around expectations. Expectations are a form...

Spire City: Occupied–a serial return to Spire City!

 Wow, I didn't know if I'd ever be writing those words. But there it is, at last a chance to revisit Spire City, once again in a serial format.But this time somewhat differently...Spire City, the city of beetle-drawn carriages and chained singers,......

Book Giveaways — How Not to be an Idiot

So …. I’ve been on both sides of the book-giveaway, as a writer and as a reader. In a way, I think the concept is really cool. As a reader, it’s a neat way to check out a new author or maybe get a signed copy from an author...

"Triptych of the Final String" in the latest issue of New Myths

The latest issue of New Myths came out this past weekend, including my flash story "Triptych of the Final String." It's a fable, of sorts--about music and stories and especially learning new stories from each other. Or you could consider it a fairy/fol......

Teaching The Merry Wives of Windsor

When I first took over teaching my Honors 10 English class, the curriculum included Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. That’s an excellent play, but when I saw that many of those students had read Romeo and Juliet the year before, and that the only other Shakespeare plays in our curriculum were...

"The Mirror Merchant’s Tales" sold to Daily Science Fiction!

If you get my newsletter, you may have seen the news that I've sold another short story to Daily Science Fiction. This will be my sixth story in DSF, and it's a story I'm excited to have out there, a fantasy story with a touch of Lord Dunsany (in...

The Simplicity of the Cat Life (and why Complexity is a Good Thing)

When I watch my cats napping in the sunshine, I occasionally wish for the peaceful simplicity of the feline life. Sleep, eat, chase a moth, then race around all bushy-tailed at 3am—what fun. But then I remember that their limited lives exclude many of the beautiful complexities and wonderful...