Wednesday Wanderings
GoodReads Review: Blue Cats and Chartreuse Kittens: How Synesthetes Color Their Worlds – Patricia Lynne Duffy
Wednesday Wanderings
Song Styles
Garden of Time: Jubal Van Zandt 4!
Shout out to my awesome buddy, and amazingly talented writer friend, eden Hudson. Her new book, Jubal Van Zandt and the Garden of Time (Book 4), drops today!!! The series is wickedly good—sort of gritty, grimdark, futuristic Urban Fantasy with a twist. If you haven’t tried it, check it...
All Sanderson Lectures Now Available
Wednesday Wanderings
What’s so good about Designated Survivor?
OK, not strictly SFF related, but we’ll call it a related look at narrative structure and move on, shall we … In descending order of brilliance: Kiefer Sutherland (who by the way has a lot of names – Kiefer William Frederick Dempsey George Rufus Sutherland) The cheesy dialogue The...
James Hunter at MileHiCon October 27th – 29th
Hey all, sorry about my lack of posts—SO busy trying to finish Viridian Gate Online 4, Imperial Legion, and I’m in the home stretch! Almost there. Anyway, just taking a short break from the word-mines to announce I’ll be at MileHiCon this weekend (October 27th – 29th), located at...