
Ever wished that markets would provide feedback about why they did not select the submitted story...

Song Styles

I love this bizarre little song.A quick summary of the storyline:  the singer is addressing her ex-boyfriend, whose new girlfriend has schemed to get him to take her to Paris - the implication is that he'll propose in the city of love.  And:W......

Star Trek Discovery

Why Discovery is the best Star Trek to date, and so much better than Star Wars … What’s not to love about the new Star Trek? Discovery combines all the best elements from previous Star Trek series – ‘early’ tech (but not so early that it’s boring), at least...

Wednesday Wanderings

Some of you who follow me on social media may be aware that Project Runway is one of my guilty pleasures.  Those of you familiar with the show, particularly if you're caught up on the present season, may have some idea why I'm bringing this up.&nb......

Brimstone Blues is Finally Here!

Whelp folks the big day is finally here, Brimstone Blues is unleashed upon the world. BWAHAHAHA! And to celebrate, EVERY single Lazarus book will be on sale this week for 99 cents starting with Strange Magic TODAY (1/13-2017) and Cold Hearted tomorrow. The rest will follow each day after...

Thursday Thoughts

A day late due to schedule juggling this week; I was working yesterday, and while it was an enjoyable day, it was a hectic one spent running interminably back and forth to the ovens (pies, cookies, cheesecake!).Thought I would talk today about my ritua......

litRPG is not Cyberpunk … Here’s why

Recently, I moderated a panel at a local Denver area Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention. This panel was all about Cyberpunk and the newly emerging genre called litRPG. In a way, it made sense to pair these two things together; after all, if you pull up the Cyberpunk top...

Song Styles

One of the backstory characters in Surgeburnt, Tahir, is deceased (we learn this very early on, since the narrator inherited his powers, so it's not a spoiler), and the character appears only in flashback scenes and in the narrator's memories of h......

Cheats for writing great dialogue

Here are some tips for writing better dialogue which I have picked up through my many failures at writing anything decent. Answer a question with a question. Have your character go off-topic. Don’t forget your action beats. Minimum every four lines of dialogue. Be careful when using ‘word sounds’...

Magic is Real

As a fantasy writer, magic is always a part of my worlds. I revel in designing magic systems and exploring how they might change the world around them. Nothing quite stirs the imagination as magic. Yet, with a degree in physics and a long-running fascination with the secrets of...