Wednesday Wanderings
Alas for the internet, for it has one terrible consequence: it is now almost impossible to go about singing ridiculously incorrect song lyrics, blissfully ignorant of the truth. A single peek on Google resolves (almost) all questions, so we......
Feedspot Names a Top 40 Ghostwriter Blog
Out of the blue Feedspot sends me this handy dandy little award naming this writer’s blog a top forty ghostwriter blog. Cool. I’ve been a little too busy to post it, but seeing it languish in my draft section made me sad, so I’ll display it now for your...
Song Styles
It's the most wonderful time of the year ...No, really. As a professional musician, I've had to start working on my Christmas repertoire, brushing off songs that I haven't played for nine months. Many of these tunes have been part of my ann......
#Writing Arts: Master Your Tweet Pitch
The newest kidz on the block are Twitter pitch events where writers pitch their books in 140 characters or less to catch the attention of agents and publishers. If interested in reading more the agents and publishers like your pitch which is an invitation to query them. Yes. You...
Wednesday Wanderings
It's official: my weekly post has migrated to this day. I work four 10 hour shifts at my new job, which means that I have one day off in the middle of the week, and this is it. A lot of people have winced and said, "Ugh!" when I've...
Pantsing vs. Outlining
I am an outliner. I need a plan, I need to know I can hit my beats, I need to know where my characters are going. Therefore, I plan in advance. Yet, the further I get in this journey, the more I realize what a useless label that really...
Song Styles
Another few months, another set of CDs for my car listening pleasure, and another game of word association, as I string song titles together by links of varying degrees of sense:Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under? - Shania TwainThese Boots Are Made F......
Song Styles
I made a new set of car CDs for myself yesterday, and part of the collection is my playlist for Surgeburnt. It's incomplete, technically - some characters don't have songs, but beyond character specific themesongs, I have songs for specific relat......
Monday Meanderings
Last week, I brought up the thorny topic (to me) of calendars. To me, our month and day names stand out as products of our world, so they don't work well in a fantasy setting. (Exceptions would be alternate earths or the stealth fantasy-set......
Song Styles
So when I did my flash-and-poetry boot camp, I generated more ideas than I was going to need so I could pick and choose ... but not too many more, so I wasn't left dithering.There was one idea that I put down and didn't end up using, but I...