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"A Benthic Myth of the Deep Sea" in The Pink Hydra! Hello world! The Dangers of an Echo Chamber Poetry Thunderdome podcast! Interview About “Shuttlers”

#BookPromotion: #Free #TweetLove From #ReadersGazette

Readers Gazette has one sole mission–putting readers and writers together. How cool is that? On their site a writer can list their kindle books and their blogs for the totally affordable price for FREE. Yep. Zero dollars.Totally within my price range. But what is even better is that they’ll tweet your book, ala the twitter… Continue reading #BookPromotion: #Free #TweetLove From #ReadersGazette

Interview with the #Scifi #author

Oh no. No one actually interviewed me. But over at a member posted a thread asking us about how we started as writers and then added a few more questions. It evolved into an interview of sorts so here goes: 1.How did everyone get their start in writing fantasy? It was a confluence of… Continue reading Interview with the #Scifi #author

News and Releases

Hey folks, this is James Hunter, author of the Yancy Lazarus series. I’ve got a couple of exciting things to share on the book-writing front. First, Lazarus episode five is currently in the works—there’s certainly a lot yet to be done, but it’s coming along. No title yet, but this one should be a wild […]

Wings of Justice

Hey everyone, it’s been hectic around the ol’ Hunter household lately. Getting ready for the holidays, plus working my pen-monkey fingers right down to the bone. But … I’m never too busy to read. There’s a great new book out by Michael-Scott Earle—who is a wickedly-talented Urban Fantasy author—called Wings of Justice (City of Lights […]


This one is going to be super quick. I’ve stumbled over (been shown) an important consideration for any perspective writer, freelancer, storyteller, blogger or any other creative person. I’ve rambled on about setting goals and how they help me. I’ve talked about making them manageable, dealing with failure, overcoming blocks and a host of other […]

Finding Time to Write

So this is a new challenge for me. My wife works nights, I work days (I work nights too, often, and we both work weekends), but there was always a reliable half-dozen hours a week where I was home alone on a given evening, and bored out of my mind. From this idle time hatched […]