2017 Reading List Requests

Hey gang. So, I put together a loose reading list every year.  If I had to break it down, it is usually 50% fantasy, 25% horror, 15% sci-fi, and 10% non-fiction or other.  Some years are better than others, in terms of following up.  There never is enough time...

Oct Update + Short Story

Hola mi amigos!
Word count: 75438 (9395 more since last post.)
Progression: Posted up to chapter 15 of an estimated 39; working on chapter 16.

It has been too long since I have posted. I am really horrible about keeping a writing journal/blog thingy. Lots of new stuff has been happening....

Full Metal Magic

9 NY Times, USA Today, and International Bestselling Authors 9 original all-new tales of magic, mayhem, mystery, and adventure you can’t get anywhere else. The ULTIMATE Urban Fantasy Boxed Set! Yours for an insanely low price. This Urban Fantasy collection contains 9 EXCLUSIVE stories that will bring you face...

Scrivener Sync Conflicts

I’ve been absent for a couple weeks, thanks to the adventure unfolding beyond the page with my new son Evan. He is doing great and fatherhood is proving a most unexpected delight. What little writing I have managed in the last few weeks (and I actually have strapped on...

Writer with Benifits

Alright I’m a couple of days late. I said I would post on the 8th but for me that was a Saturday and I don’t write on the weekend. Saturday and Sunday are for spending time with family and socialising with friends and generally catching up on all the...

Becoming a Writer

I recently received an email in connection with a post I made on the TUT Writer’s Group on Facebook. The writer asked me about how to become a writer. The following is the basis of my reply. When it comes to writing, I would like to know where your...

Old Story, Old Posting

I don’t know how I missed this. A while back–like four months ago–I had a story posted up at the wargaming site Grogheads.com.  Titled, “Just When I Thought I Was Out,” the story involves an aged magician’s gambit against some dark forces working against him.  I knew about this...

An update

Okay so mini rant time. I wrote my last post about blocks and my personal strategies to overcome them, I powered through the chapter I was working on, get halfway through the next and…drum-roll please…nothing. Damn you karma why must you afflict me so when I don’t believe in...

The Tyranny of Slutty Clothing

So…. I often video game in my off time.  Mostly RPGs (role-playing games), just because I love the storytelling –at least, if they are any good.  But I do enjoy an MMO now and again. MMO.  Massive Multiplayer Online game.  The type of game that has lots of people...

Pantsing a different kind of story

I’ve just started working on a brand new story of a rather different sort: fatherhood. I’d prefer to outline this particular story, of course, but I’m told it doesn’t work quite like that…. so pantsing it is! This has been quite a remarkable experience, all told. From seeing my wife...